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For a peaceful holiday, Marsa Alam is an oasis of calm away from the hustle and bustle of the city.
Praktinė informacija
Gidas: turistus globoja Lietuvos atstovas, kuris teikia pagalbą atskrendant, išskrendant ir būnant Marsa Alame. Jis taip pat registruoja į vietines ekskursijas.Visa: required. Visa: required: visas must be purchased at the Egyptian airport. The passport (with a blank page) must be valid for at least 6 months (from the date of return to Lithuania). Please note that according to the TIMATIC system of the International Air Transport Association (IATA), Belarusian citizens flying from Lithuania to Egypt are required to have a valid visa for Egypt at the check-in. It is not possible to obtain a visa for Belarusian citizens in Egypt and passengers without a pre-arranged visa are not allowed on board.
Flight time: Vilnius - Marsa Alam, approx. 5.5 hours
Local time: no clock rotation (UTC+2).
Language: Arabic; English and German available.
Capital: Cairo.
Mains voltage: 220 V.
Currency: the Egyptian pound (EGP), EGP 1 is divided into 100 PT (piastres), EUR 1 = approx. EGP 17.50, USD 1 = approx. EGP 16.
Hotel and restaurant prices: lunch - around EGP 100, water 1.5 l - around EGP 10, beer - around EGP 40, coffee, tea - around EGP 25.
Transport: taxi - approx. EGP 60; cash: USD or EUR.
Beaches: free access to hotel beaches.
Tipping: baksheesh ("share the wealth"), universally accepted and even obligatory!
Local excursions: organised by local tourist agencies on their own terms. A tour may not be organised if there are too few people willing to go.
Regiono aprašymas
Šis Afrikos žemyno lopinėlis – tai nepaliestas, mįslingas ir laukinis kraštas. Nepaprasta Raudonosios jūros vandens gyvūnija ir augmenija, povandeninio pasaulio spalvų magija žavi viso pasaulio turistus. Šią vietą itin rekomenduojame nardymo, poilsio paplūdimyje mėgėjams ir visiems norintiesiems atrasti naujus Egipto kampelius.The coastal strip known as Marsa Alam lies south of the eastern Sahara Desert, on the Red Sea, about 750 km from Cairo and about 250 km from Hurghada. The region has a long history of fishing and its current development is based on this tradition. All the entertainment and attractions are located in the hotel complexes on the most beautiful sandy and coral beaches in Egypt. The modern hotels, perfectly integrated into their surroundings, offer all the facilities needed for a good holiday. Swimming pools and sports facilities, spectacular entertainment, buffet and theme restaurants, bars with colourful cocktails - everything is on site.
Aplinkui – ramybė, tyla, smaragdinė jūra ir nuostabus koralų rifas. Puikiai organizuojamos vietinės ekskursijos suteikia nepaprastų įspūdžių. Marsa Alamas – tai besiplečianti vietovė nuostabaus grožio koralų pakrantės kraštovaizdyje to paties pavadinimo regione. Tai viena iš nedaugelio vietų pasaulyje, siejanti nuotykį, saulę, paplūdimį ir įvairiaspalvį povandeninį pasaulį. Žinomiausios nardymo vietos – Abu Dababas, Abu Daburo rifas, Marsa Asslai, Dolphin House ir Elphistone rifas. Port Galibas – ištaigingas burlaivių uostas su modernia viešbučių baze ir puikiomis sąlygomis vandens sportui. Maždaug už 70 km nuo Port Galibo įsikūręs vienintelis ir seniausias turistinis kaimelis – al Kuseiras (El Quseir), kuriame galima nusipirkti suvenyrų ir tradicinių egiptietiškų dirbinių.
Marsa Alamas – tai besiplečianti, pastaraisiais metais išaugusi vietovė nuostabaus grožio koralų pakrantės kraštovaizdyje to paties pavadinimo regione. Tai viena iš nedaugelio vietų pasaulyje, siejanti nuotykį, saulę, paplūdimį ir įvairiaspalvį povandeninį pasaulį. Žinomiausios nardymo vietos – Abu Dababas, Abu Daburo rifas, Marsa Asslai, Dolphin House ir Elphistone rifas.
Port Galib is an exquisite sailing port with a modern hotel base and excellent conditions for water sports. About 70 km from Port Galib is the only and oldest tourist village, El Quseir, where you can buy souvenirs and traditional Egyptian crafts.
The mighty Nile, the powdery desert, and the stunning natural sights have attracted tourists from all over the world to Egypt for years. Add to this the culture and rich past of the country, and Egypt is a traveller's dream. After all, it is not for nothing that they say that Egypt is the gift of the Nile.
The Nile Valley has produced one of the oldest civilisations in the world, with pharaonic dynasties, wars and ups and downs. Egyptian culture is steeped in stories, songs and legends, and the history lived is best illustrated by living artefacts - the streets of cities and towns, the ornate and hieroglyphic temples and palaces.
The depths of the Red Sea are full of reefs, rocks and their colourful inhabitants. This advantage positions Egypt as one of the world's most popular diving destinations.
Due to its tropical desert climate, Egypt enjoys a warm and dry climate all year round. In winter, temperatures hover around ~20 degrees Celsius, while in summer they reach ~33 degrees.
Egyptian cuisine is dominated by a wide variety of greens, vegetables, fruits, spices and sauces. Traditional Egyptian cuisine is unthinkable without beans, noodles, rice, etc. The traditional Egyptian drink is tea.
Today, Egypt is an important cultural and political centre of the world. Egypt is a paradise for those who crave good cheer and warm sunshine during the cold season.
Marsa Alam is Egypt's wild and untouched land. The extraordinary aquatic fauna and flora of the Red Sea and the magic of the colours of the underwater world fascinate tourists from all over the world. We highly recommend this place for diving, beach lounging and those who want to discover new corners of Egypt.
The coastal strip known as Marsa Alam lies south of the eastern Sahara Desert, on the Red Sea, about 750 km from Cairo and about 250 km from Hurghada. The region has a long history of fishing and its current development is based on this tradition. All the entertainment and attractions are located in the hotel complexes on the most beautiful sandy and coral beaches in Egypt. The modern hotels, perfectly integrated into their surroundings, offer all the facilities needed for a good holiday. Swimming pools and sports facilities, spectacular entertainment, buffet and theme restaurants, bars with colourful cocktails - everything is on site.
It's all peace and quiet, with emerald seas and beautiful coral reefs. Well-organised local excursions provide an extraordinary experience. Marsa Alam is a growing destination in the stunning coral coastal landscape of the eponymous region. It is one of the few places in the world that combines adventure, sun, beach and a colourful underwater world. The most famous dive sites are Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi Reef, Marsa Asslai, Dolphin House and Elphistone Reef. Port Galib is an exquisite sailing port with a modern hotel base and excellent conditions for water sports. About 70 km from Port Ghalib is the only and oldest tourist village, El Quseir, where you can buy souvenirs and traditional Egyptian crafts. Luxor is the former magnificent capital of Egypt, with an authentic atmosphere and the tombs of the pharaohs.
Port Galib is an exquisite sailing port with a modern hotel base and excellent conditions for water sports. About 70 km from Port Galib is the only and oldest tourist village, El Quseir, where you can buy souvenirs and traditional Egyptian crafts.
Guide: tourists are accompanied by an ITAKA Lithuania representative who provides assistance on arrival, departure and stay in Marsa Alam. He also registers them for local excursions.
Visa: required. Visa: required: visas must be purchased at the Egyptian airport. The passport (with a blank page) must be valid for at least 6 months (from the date of return to Lithuania). Please note that according to the TIMATIC system of the International Air Transport Association (IATA), Belarusian citizens flying from Lithuania to Egypt are required to have a valid visa for Egypt at the check-in. It is not possible to obtain a visa for Belarusian citizens in Egypt and passengers without a pre-arranged visa are not allowed on board.
Flight time: Vilnius - Marsa Alam, approx. 5.5 hours
Local time: no clock rotation (UTC+2).
Language: Arabic; English and German available.
Capital: Cairo.
Mains voltage: 220 V.
Currency: the Egyptian pound (EGP), EGP 1 is divided into 100 PT (piastres), EUR 1 = approx. EGP 17.50, USD 1 = approx. EGP 16.
Hotel and restaurant prices: lunch - around EGP 100, water 1.5 l - around EGP 10, beer - around EGP 40, coffee, tea - around EGP 25.
Transport: taxi - approx. EGP 60; cash: USD or EUR.
Beaches: free access to hotel beaches.
Tipping: baksheesh ("share the wealth"), universally accepted and even obligatory!
Local excursions: organised by local tourist agencies on their own terms. A tour may not be organised if there are too few people willing to go.
Up-to-date information on national security - http://keliauk.urm.lt/location