Cookie policy

Cookie policy

In order to ensure the user-friendliness, functionality and efficiency of our website, we use cookies on this website. Cookies are storage media that store information on your computer's hard drive or in your browser. They allow us to identify that you have previously visited our Website. Cookies are also used to keep statistics on user traffic and individual pages of the Website, which helps to improve the structure and content of the Website. The user always remains anonymous. This Cookie Policy contains detailed information about the cookies we use.

We use cookies transparently and responsibly. They do not pose any threat to the visitor's computer. You can always see which cookies we set in your browser. You have the right to object to the recording and use of cookies, but in this case you may not be able to access some of the functions of our Website. You can also withdraw your consent to the use of cookies at any time by changing your settings and deleting the cookies you have saved.

You can restrict or block cookies through your browser settings. If you prefer that websites do not place cookies on your computer at all, you can adjust your browser settings so that you are notified before any cookie is placed. You can also adjust your settings so that your browser rejects all cookies or only foreign cookies. Similarly, you can remove cookies that have already been placed on your computer. You will need to adjust your settings separately for each browser, computer or mobile device. If necessary, use your browser's help function to make the correct settings. For more information about disabling cookies on your mobile phone, please refer to your phone's user guide.

Descriptions of the cookies used on the website:

Cookie name Goal Moment of creation Period of validity Data used Additional information
PHPSESSID A cookie is used to implement the functionality of a website Entering the page Until the website window closes
__cfduid Cookie to support additional services: cloudfare Entering the page 1 year
__utma These cookies are used to collect statistical information about website traffic. The data obtained is used to compile reports and to improve the website. Entering the page 2 years IP addresses and unique ID numbers are used for accounting purposes. The result of the accounting is statistical. Counter accounting is carried out via Google analytics Google Analytics
__utmb Entering the page 30 minutes
__utmc Entering the page Until the website window closes
__utmz Entering the page 6 months
_ga Entering the page 2 years
_gid Entering the page 24 hours
_ym_isad These cookies are used to collect statistical information about website traffic. The data obtained is used to compile reports and to improve the site Entering the page 25 hours IP addresses and unique ID numbers are used for accounting purposes. The result of the accounting is statistical. Counter accounting is performed via Yandex Metrica Yandex Metrica
_ym_uid Entering the page 2 years
_ym_visorc Entering the page 30 minutes
cdrUID3 Used to collect statistical information about website traffic Entering the page 10 years IP addresses and unique ID numbers are used for accounting purposes. The result of the accounting is statistical
clipboard_id Used to save selected travel offers Entering the page 30 days
clipboard_id Used to save selected travel offers Entering the page 30 days
formHash Used to store booking data Entering the page 10 minutes
lastUrlProductOffer Used to save the last viewed offer Entering the page 24 hours URL with the last offer readings
cookie-info Used to confirm the use of cookies. Entering the page 2 years Meaning "1" Cookie request form
jwplayer.captionLabel Used to maintain the functionality of the website. Entering the page Until the website window closes
childDates Used to store the date of birth. Entering the page 100 days Date of birth SearchForm.js - search results
FilterTailsPrice Used to save the price filters you set. Entering the page 7 days Filtered ID SearchForm.js - search results
browserupdateorg Used for the purpose of setting cookies. Entering the page 1 day Meaning "1" Pop-up window if using an older version of Internet Explorer

MB Atravel may at any time change these Cookie Policy at its sole discretion.
